Advanced Framing System Engineering
Engineering Data and Specific Certifications
Precision Panel Structures, Inc., manufactures Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) to engineering specifications outlined in ICC-ES Legacy Evaluation Report PFC-6054. All Precision Panel SIPs are manufactured (laminated) under a strict quality control program that is monitored by RADCO, Inc., a nationally recognized, ICC-ES accredited building component testing facility and third party inspection agency.
Precision Panel Colorado™ offers design drawings as well as structural engineering calculations and PE-stamped shop / assembly drawings for any project where this service is required.
Precision Panel SIPs are approved by HUD and the FHA and the VA loan programs. Additionally, various state and local building agencies recognize Precision Panel SIPs as a viable alternative to traditional building materials and techniques.
Precision Panel SIPs are approved by the State of Oregon Building Codes agency as 'Pre-Fabricated Components,' License No.: 398PFC. If you are building in the State of Oregon with Structural Insulated Panels, this license is required. The State of Oregon regularly inspects the production of Precision Panel SIPs, our Quality Control Procedures and Quality Control Manual.
Precision Panel SIPs are approved by the State of California Department of Housing under Title 25 as a Factory Built Housing Component. It is a mandatory requirement of the State of California all factory built houses and building components comply with Title 25 prior to shipping into the State of California. You may confirm Precision Panel's compliance to this regulation by contacting the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development at 1 - 800 - 735 - 2929 and referencing Precision Panel's Identification # 106115.
